Katia Canton is a visual artist, writer, journalist, professor and curator. She studied architecture, dance and journalism in her hometown of São Paulo, Brazil. There, in combination with Aliiance Française and Université de Nancy II, she got a diploma in Letter, History and French Civilization, in 1986. Later, she lived in Paris and in New York. It was in New York that she got her Masters and PhD from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts and Steinhardt School researching  the relations of narrative, Fairy Tales and the Arts.

Currently she is an Associate Professor of contemporary art at the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo, lecturing internationally about fairy tales, art and narrative. She also paints and make art, writes illustrated books and organizes exhibitions.

As writer and illustrator, Katia has published around 50 books and has won many of the most significant prizes in Brazil, such the Jabuti Prize for threetimes times, the Malba Tahan Prize twice and the Troféu Vasco Prado. She has been granted with many “Highly Recommended” awards given by FNLIJ (National Foundation of Literature for Children and Young Adults, Brazil) and her books have been consistently adopted by government literary programs.  As an artist, she has been showing in many museums, galleries and institutions worldwide.